Sara Bareilles and Jessie Nelson’s “Waitress,” the Broadway musical, is based on the work of the late Adrienne Shelly, who wrote and directed “Waitress,”...
When most people hear “The Color Purple,” they may think of the critically acclaimed 1985 film starring Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, and Danny Glover,...
As rollickingly fun as Disney’s 1992 motion picture “Aladdin” is, the slightly reimagined stage show, which debuted in 2011 before beginning a Broadway engagement...
Created, written, and directed by the superbly talented Gerard Alessandrini, “Spamilton: An American Parody” is as much an ode to Lin-Manuel Miranda and “Hamilton”...
Just as “Hamilton” is scheduled to finish out the year with gusto at the historic Hollywood Pantages Theatre, playing to one sold-out audience after...