On-Air Music Catalog

From The Vault: Pine Cone Wars Performance & Interview (2010)

They are perhaps one of the most talented 2-man rock bands we've ever had on LAXposed and they are called "Pine Cone Wars". The...

Weapon-X performs LIVE with DJ Cheps at the Lava Sports Lounge

You all know him as the co-host of LAXposed, but Weapon-X is also an amazing aspiring rapper in Los Angeles working his way up...

Live Performance: DJ Masta Hanksta

DJ Masta Hanksta - INSANE Scratching! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lke4kIpMLco&feature=plcp DJ Masta Hanksta - The Lost Footage from LAXposed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwmqgpnRsaI

Live Performance: Azad Right

Azad Right - "Spiderwebs" (Filmed by LAXposed @ UCLA) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHcRjvA5MQo&feature=plcp

Live Performance: Minus Ned

Minus Ned - "III" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBpWXieb2qw&feature=plcp


